Monday, March 31, 2014

Nada Más Que Amor

Hey everyone! I do hope you all are doing well!

For the past 3 years, Interested in ALL has been my sanctuary, my hobby, my life. and though it's brought up so much great content throughout the three years I've been constantly posting, I feel like Interested in ALL has kept me within a wall of the topics of only Food, Books, Fashion, and Beauty; which I wanted at the beginning, but my views on a bloggers life has widened and I've decided that I don't want to restrict myself with only posting about these topics. I want to write about everything that I love and that bring me joy, I want to widen my horizons and think big, and I also feel the need to start over. 

So, after multiple codings, editing, and font-picking, I would like to proudly present "Nada más que amor" - Nothing but love, because I will be blogging about nothing, but love. 

Don't worry, everything will mostly stay the same, it's just the domain name, background and some other stuff that are going to change. Also, I will be redirecting links back here; Interested in ALL, from time to time.

Thank you all for your support, and hope you all follow me further into this blogspheric journey! :)

Monday, March 24, 2014

Kendra's Night Out Challenge

A few days back, I got an email from Kendra Thorton, offering me a chance to participate in her challenge. Kendra is a travel expert, TV spokesperson and a mother of three, and the challenge is to assist her in picking an outfit she could wear to her trip to Disney's Epcot with her family. And I thought it would be fun to help her out in any way that I can.

Here is something to give you all an idea of how the challenge works:
"I am looking forward to a special vacation trip that I am taking with my husband and three children. This year, we decided to go to Epcot, which is in Orlando, Florida. Before we leave for Epcot, I find that there are numerous things that I need to do. One of the biggest things is addressing my current wardrobe situation! Needless to say, I need help. Therefore, I am introducing a special challenge to my favorite fashion bloggers who can help find the perfect look! I reached out to fashionista Nada for some help! After checking out her previous work with fashion looks, I know it is safe to say she can help me out!!

I've created this contest “Kendra’s Fashion Challenge.” to help me find the perfect ensemble for Disney’s Dolphins in Depth! I found out about Dolphins in depth reading reviews on an online website gogobot. I don’t know who is more excited, myself or the kids . It’s a great place for my whole family to get close to dolphins. Spending three hours with this magnificent sea creature is the right amount of time for our young family. When the experience is over, we can get a souvenir photo. I am sure that our children will never forget it. Researchers and trainers will be teaching a class in how dolphins live. It is nice that these individuals have personal experience with the bottlenose dolphins. After our educational class, we will interact with the dolphins by getting into water that comes up to the waist. This experience is 30 minutes. Next, we are going behind the scenes to see how dolphins are trained, and we will be conversing about how to keep the ocean safe. All of this will be thrilling, and our children are looking forward to getting splashed by a dolphin. It will be a fun event for all."
Pondering on the idea of what I would wear to Epcot, and if I were to go I would want to dress comfortable yet stylish. So here is what I came up with for Kendra.

Kendra's Night Out Challenge

Unsure whether during the time she would go, it'll be cool or scorching hot, I gave her a choice of shorts or pants, and an option of a cardigan to go with the mint raglan tee. Since Kendra has planned to go for a little dip in the water with the dolphins, I added in a one piece bikini that she could wear underneath and then she could change into her normal undergarments when they're all done and dried up. Touching up the outfit with some comfy converse, classy sunglasses, a dolphin pendant,  and a coral bag to give it some eye catching colors.

And there we have it, simple, comfortable, yet a tad bit stylish.

I hope you like it Kendra :) 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

[Review] Charley Davidson #2 - Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones

Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones
Charley Davidson (#2)
Paranormal Mystery
If you hang around with dead people, life can get pretty complicated. Take it from Charley Davidson, part-time private investigator and full-time Grim Reaper. Complicated is her middle name. The deceased find her very sparkly. Demons find her irresistible. And one entity in particular wants to seduce her in every way possible.
When Charley and Cookie (her best friend/receptionist) have to track down a missing woman, the case is not quite as open and shut as they anticipate. Cookie's friend Mimi disappeared five days earlier. Mimi then sends Cookie a cryptic message telling Cookie to meet her at an nearby coffee shop. The coffee is brewing, but Mimi's still missing. There is, however, a clue Mimi left on the bathroom wall: a woman's name. Mimi's husband explains to them that his wife had been acting strange since she found out an old high school friend had been murdered. The same woman whose name Mimi had scribbled on the bathroom wall.
Meanwhile, Reyes Alexander Farrow (otherwise known as the Son of Satan. Yes. Literally) has left his corporeal body and is haunting Charley. He's left his body because he's being tortured by demons who want to lure Charley closer. But Reyes can't let that happen. Because if the demons get to Charley, they'll have a portal to heaven...well, let's just say it wouldn't be pretty.
Can Charley handle hot nights with Reyes and even hotter days tracking down a missing woman? Can she keep those she loves out of harm's way? And is there enough coffee and chocolate in the world to fuel her as she does?
- from Goodreads


It's been waaaaay too long since I read book one of the Charley Davidson series, Feb 2012 to be more exact, and it's really good to get back into the series. even if I've only read book one

First of all, thank you to Ms. Jones for having a little bit of a prologue in chapter one. Though I am quite proud of myself for recalling some parts of that happened in book one, thank you again for that prologue, it filled in the blanks.

Second grave on the left is funny, extremely amusing, and mysterious as ever. I listened to the audiobook version and the narrator did a fantastic job bringing Charley's personality and voice to life.

There were multiple times in the book when I literally bursted into a pit of laughter and I couldn't stop. And there were multiple times when I shouted into the air, "WHAT? What in the fires of hell is goin on!?". The vague details of who's who, and what's what is a brilliant tactic to get the reader reading further and further into the book, and since there weren't a whole lot of suspense in the book but it was enough to keep me screaming and laughing.

Second grave to the left is simply hilarious, extremely amusing; despite all the serious crime and etc. And let me just say, Charley is just so laid back. I love her! I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next five books of the series!


Saturday, March 8, 2014

[Review] Bridgerton #2 - The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn

The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn
Bridgerton Series (#2)
Historical Romance
1814 promises to be another eventful season, but not, this author believes, for Anthony Bridgerton, London's most elusive bachelor, who has shown no indication that he plans to marry.
And in truth, why should he? When it comes to playing the consummate rake, nobody does it better...
--Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, April 1814
But this time, the gossip columnists have it wrong. Anthony Bridgerton hasn't just decided to marry--he's even chosen a wife! The only obstacle is his intended's older sister, Kate Sheffield--the most meddlesome woman ever to grace a London ballroom. The spirited schemer is driving Anthony mad with her determination to stop the betrothal, but when he closes his eyes at night, Kate is the woman haunting his increasingly erotic dreams...
Contrary to popular belief, Kate is quite sure that reformed rakes do notmake the best husbands--and Anthony Bridgerton is the most wicked rogue of them all. Kate is determined to protect her sister--but she fears her own heart is vulnerable. And when Anthony's lips touch hers, she's suddenly afraid she might not be able to resist the reprehensible rake herself...
from Goodreads


After reading The Duke and I, my heart craved for more historical romance. The type that gets the reader sucked in so deep, that when interrupted from their daze, they turn into a crazed insomniac hormonal being. Though the viscount who loved me gave me some of those urges to turn into a crazed insomniac hormonal being, I kept my cool.

The viscount who loved me, the second edition to the Bridgerton series, was a much more pleasant read than the Duke and I; which felt so much like a drag compared to this one. The second book was a lot more enthralling and funny. I laughed out loud on many occasions, and would get complaints from my mother to put the book down during lunch. You know the book you're reading is really good when your mom asks you to stop reading at the dinner table.

Having that one book to welcome you with open arms into it's wonderful world of fiction is the best feeling ever, and the viscount who loved me, partially gave me that experience. No, I did not fall asleep hugging this book with all my might during the night, though I did feel that the book was truly unputdownable, and the writing made it easy enough for me to pick up where I left off and go back into the wonderful fictional world of the times in London during the 1800's, with the Bridgertons.

Enthralling, humorous, and is a definite page-turner. Recommended to those who enjoys reading historical romance, and to those who enjoy the beauty of the balls and the scenery of London during the 1800's,

Why are there photos of me reading The Viscount Who Loved Me, you may ask. I wanted to try out something new, and because taking photos and editing them are one of my enjoyable pass-times.

Here I am, enjoying the last few chapters of the book, while sitting in my usual reading spot on my bed and in my comfy clothes.. I was very very very deep into the book


Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Brotherhood of Dwarves Book Blast + $100 GIVEAWAY

The Brotherhood of Dwarves (Book 1)
Author: D.A. Adams
The dwarven saga begins… Roskin, heir to the throne of a remote, peaceful kingdom of dwarves, craves excitement and adventure. Outside his own kingdom, in search of fortune and glory, he finds a much different world, one divided by racial strife and overrun by war. The orcs to the south want to conquer all dwarves and sell them as slaves. The humans to the east want to control the world's resources. Caught in the middle, Roskin finds himself chased by slave traders and soldiers alike as he discovers that friendship is the best fortune of all. Just when he thinks he has triumphed, an act of betrayal sends him into bondage. His only hope of escape is the faltering courage of a disgraced warrior whose best days are behind him...
Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Kobo

Brotherhood image

Praise for The Brotherhood of the Dwarves

“D.A. Adams puts together a story that I found myself reading from start to finish in less than a day”- Watch Play Read

“This story of self discovery is a fine read and I very much appreciate that the character focus is on dwarves. No cookie cutter, young, perfect characters. Real, genuine and unique.” – Jess Resides Here

“If you love intricate world-building, I'm sure you'll enjoy this book. If you like action and adventure, swords and arrows and more, you'll love it too. And if you're eager to see those working-class dwarves take a stand, this has to be the series for you.” – Sheila Deeth Blog

brotherhood image 2
Excerpt from The Brotherhood of Dwarves

On his twenty second birthday, Roskin was summoned to his father’s private study, a room high in the palace where the king would spend his evening hours with a book or a pen. Roskin had rarely been inside the study, but he had always been fond of the dark mahogany desk that faced the Hall of Gronwheil and the gray marble bookshelves that were lined with volumes of history, lore, and poetry. Roskin’sfavorite was the oil canvas of his mother that hung with the other family portraits.

He had a similar painting in his bedroom but preferred this one because the artist had more fiercely captured the wildness of her eyes. As he entered the study, Roskin stopped beside the painting and stared.
“She was magnificent,” his father said, standing from behind the desk and moving toward his son. “But she wasn’t happy here."

“I know,” Roskin said, looking away from the painting. He often wondered why she had never attempted to visit him, and each year on his birthday he would hope all day that she would remember him and arrive at the palace.

“You also have trouble with our ways.”

“I’m sorry, sir. I try to do better.”

King Kraganere laughed and hugged his son. “Do not apologize for who you are. You can’t help your feelings. A person should be measured by their actions.”

“Yes sir.”

The two sat by the window, staring into the perpetual night of the underground city, darkness bbroken only by torches and the faint glow on the fields outside of town. As they watched people move towards the bentrance to the symphony hall, on their way for the evening concert, Roskin wanted to reassure his father that he loved the city and the people, subjects who would one day bind themselves to him without question.

He did love them, but the love was drowning in a fear he could not place.

“I want you to update the maps of our kingdom,” the king spoke after a long silence. “They are old and missing information.”

“I will start tomorrow morning at the Hall, beforelecture.”

“That’s not what I mean.”


“To be accurate, you must see what you are mapping.”

“We have good maps of Dorkhun."

“Yes, we do, but the rest of the kingdom is poorly recorded. I think you can do better.”

“But I’m supposed to study the Fifth Kingdom from Master Hinkroh this session and finish my songs for the festival.”

“You need a change, something to help you relax. A little travel helps me.”
“I have never complained about my duty, sir,” Roskin said, suddenly afraid that this was a test.

“This is your assignment. Map the whole kingdom from the River of Fire to Erycke’s Tomb to the Kireghegon Halls of the great peak. There is no argument. The maps must be complete before you take your place on the council.”

“I cannot join the council until I finish school, at least five more years.”
“Do not question my orders. You have your duty. I expect not to see you in the morning.”

After that, the king returned to business, and Roskin went to his room, packed for the journey, and then said goodbye to his friends, siblings, and stepmother.

Author D.A. Adams

D.A. Adams was born in Florida but was raised in East Tennessee. He received a Master of Arts in Writing from the University of Memphis in 1999 and has taught college English for over a decade. His first novel, The Brotherhood of Dwarves, was released in 2005 and has been described as a solid, honest work about camaraderie, bravery, and sacrifice, a very personal journey, more interested in the ways that a person is changed by life's events than in epic battles and high magic. In 2008, the sequel, Red Sky at Dawn, was released to the exaltation that this novel thunders along, at times with dizzying speed. The action is visceral and imaginative without being gratuitous. Book three, The Fall of Dorkhun, came out in 2011, followed by book four, Between Dark and Light, in 2012. In terms of writing style, Adams exhibits an effortless narrative voice and a masterful balance between richly detailed descriptions and tightly worded minimalism. The pacing of his stories is breathtaking, with relentless action and captivating plot twists that keep readers riveted page after page. But his true talent as a writer lies in character development. Readers find themselves empathizing with, fearing for, and cheering on the characters as they overcome their personal shortcomings and grow as fully rendered individuals. Adams is also the father of two wonderful sons and, despite his professional accomplishments, maintains that they are his greatest achievement in life. He resides in East Tennessee.

Blast Giveaway 

$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 3/31/14

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have a great day everyone!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Review: Vapiano's Apple Parfiat

Some time ago, my cousin invited me to have lunch at Vapiano. Since it's opening, it's had great reviews, and the locals constantly crave it. At the time, being full of my own lunch an hour before, I decided to just enjoy one of their desserts and tea while my awesome cousin ate her own delicious and mouthwatering pasta right in front of me. It felt like torture, watching her twist her fork into that pasta. 

But alas, when this beautiful creamy looking dessert was put in front of me, my craving for pasta floated away, and my mouth watered just looking at that creamy dessert. Though I am unsure of the exact name of the dish,  I recall that it was a special of the day/week. It looks somewhat like a parfait, and since the main element of flavoring was the apples at the bottom, I'm assuming it's an Apple Parfait. But please correct me if I'm wrong. :) 

The creamy dessert had peeled sweet apples at the bottom, with a thick layer of yogurt and cream, and all topped with chopped walnuts and a point of mint. 

I just went right in there and attacked the thing. The texture of the cream was smooth, and with the apples, a bomb of sweetness exploded in my mouth. The walnuts were chewy and gave the dish the right crunch, along with the apples. 

A great dessert from Vapiano. I recommend this to those with a sweet tooth for apples and crunch. If you enjoy apple pie, you'll enjoy this one.


Sunday, February 16, 2014

What to Read Next - The Dilemma!

Damn, I can't choose.

After finishing the Duke and I, I have the uttermost duty to pick a next book to read. Because, God forbid, I would never go a day without a book on my currently reading shelf. I have this urge to read something really good and romantic, and I have narrowed down my bookshelf to these three.

The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn
Faking it by Cora Carmack
Scandal in Spring by Lisa Kleypas

All of the books are from a series, and all over them are really good and romantic. I read the synopsis of all three of them and the first 4-5 pages. My heart seems to be leaning on the Viscount Who Loved Me and Scandal in Spring. It's yearning for another good historical romance. Oh dear I can't pick. Might as well read all three. xD

How do you guys pick the next book to read? :)
Do you find it as hard as picking your favorite? 

[Review] Bridgerton #1 - The Duke & I by Julia Quinn

The Duke and I by Julia Quinn
Series: Bridgerton (book 1)
Genre: Historical Romance

By all accounts, Simon Basset is on the verge of proposing to his best friend's sister, the lovely—and almost-on-the-shelf—Daphne Bridgerton. But the two of them know the truth—it's all an elaborate plan to keep Simon free from marriage-minded society mothers. And as for Daphne, surely she will attract some worthy suitors now that it seems a duke has declared her desirable.
But as Daphne waltzes across ballroom after ballroom with Simon, it's hard to remember that their courtship is a complete sham. Maybe it's his devilish smile, certainly it's the way his eyes seem to burn every time he looks at her... but somehow Daphne is falling for the dashing duke... for real! And now she must do the impossible and convince the handsome rogue that their clever little scheme deserves a slight alteration, and that nothing makes quite as much sense as falling in love..
Can there be any greater challenge to London's Ambitious Mamas than an unmarried duke? — Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, April 1813 - Goodreads


It took me a surprisingly long time to finish this book. I thought, since it was a historical romance, I'd finish it faster.

The Duke and I is a witty, heart clenching, laugh out loud kind of book. There were many instances where I'd be literally bursting out with laughter. But ironically, I didn't feel the book like I do with other historical romances until I got within spitting distance to the ending. Don't get me wrong, it's a really good book, it was really interesting, and a definite page turner, but I couldn't grasp the world of the Bridgertons' tight enough to become apart of it.

Fortunately, as I got towards the ending, I couldn't put it down. Cocooned in my blanket, reading into the night and getting drawn into the world of the Bridgertons' was utterly relaxing. I'll be picking up the next book of the series soon.

I recommend this to all those who enjoy the pleasure of historical romance. Every historical romance addict should get a glimpse of Julia Quinns writing, because she is said to be one of the best historical romance writers out there


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dreams into Reality

A person has their own wants, their own dreams, and their own goals. They do what they can, to achieve them, and when they do, happiness follows. There are some of us who use a tool to get what we want, be them material or a form of idealism. Vision Boards.

Ever since my house has been renovated, I've prolonged redoing my vision board for months, and finally, a few weeks ago, I made one and I thought I'd share it with you, with the hopes of maybe inspiring you to make one yourselves.

My vision board has always had these three main sections; Dream Job, Husband/Boyfriend, Health.

Though, at the time, and perhaps right now, I have been unsure of my dream job, so I focused on manifesting the office of my dream job and how I would feel walking to work instead of focusing on the actual industry I want to work under.

Having a happy ending with my one and true love has always stuck with me, and like every single woman out there, I wish for a man to love me and complete my life. I want a hot smexy man, and now.
My weight loss journey is almost at an end, losing almost 18kg in over 3 years, I now plan to live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life. This doesn't mean depriving myself of food I don't want to eat, it just means doing some physical activity and consuming the nutrients my body needs to survive.

Vision boards are created by those who want a glimpse into how they want their future to look like. They are created to help the creators overcome their gigantic bubble of fear and doubt and turn it into a rage, and pure eagerness to achieve the greatness of turning their dreams into reality.
Why don't you guys try making your own vision board? 
What's stopping you?

Friday, February 7, 2014

What is Considered a Classic in Terms of Books

The term classic is defined in the dictionary as judged over time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind.
There are multiple books around the world that have been published through time. Books that have been bought, read and reread, books that have been loved and cared for, and books that have been burned and thrown across the room for its contents.

Most of the world enjoys the company of books and about 40% of those enjoy stating their opinions about the books they've read. I am one of those 40%.

Writing book reviews had taken over my blog for a little bit of time before I brought that usurper down to its rightful place. The reason, I cannot say, but during the reign of "book reviews" on my blog, I would review books every time I shut the last page and lay it beside my laptop to begin writing. There were times when I would stare at the book I just finished and at the blank blog post screen thinking "how am I going to write a review for this". Sometimes I feel as if the book I just finished, isn't worth my opinions because it was that good on its own without my adding to it.

When I consecutively read the Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings series, I did not feel I deserved to review it. Books like these are what I considered my classics. Except for that one time when I reviewed Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, back in 2011. It is not my proudest review.

Classics can also be known as "books to read before you die" because they give out a message that may mean something or teach you something new at the end of that last chapter. It may help you in life, or it may just be one of your daily pleasures after a long day.

What do you, my readers, consider a classic? Do you think these classics deserve more than your straight forward opinion?


This blogpost has been proof read by Grammarly
For those of my readers who are unfamiliar with Grammarly, it is an online proofreader that detect grammatical mistakes, spelling errors, and etc. that we all subconsciously make whenever we write.

This has been a great tool for me so far. When I tried it out on this blogpost, you have no idea how many errors there were and I'm pretty excited to use more of it on my future blogpost! :3