Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones
Charley Davidson (#2)
Paranormal Mystery
even if I've only read book one
First of all, thank you to Ms. Jones for having a little bit of a prologue in chapter one. Though I am quite proud of myself for recalling some parts of that happened in book one, thank you again for that prologue, it filled in the blanks.
Second grave on the left is funny, extremely amusing, and mysterious as ever. I listened to the audiobook version and the narrator did a fantastic job bringing Charley's personality and voice to life.
There were multiple times in the book when I literally bursted into a pit of laughter and I couldn't stop. And there were multiple times when I shouted into the air, "WHAT? What in the fires of hell is goin on!?". The vague details of who's who, and what's what is a brilliant tactic to get the reader reading further and further into the book, and since there weren't a whole lot of suspense in the book but it was enough to keep me screaming and laughing.
Second grave to the left is simply hilarious, extremely amusing; despite all the serious crime and etc. And let me just say, Charley is just so laid back. I love her! I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next five books of the series!
Charley Davidson (#2)
Paranormal Mystery
If you hang around with dead people, life can get pretty complicated. Take it from Charley Davidson, part-time private investigator and full-time Grim Reaper. Complicated is her middle name. The deceased find her very sparkly. Demons find her irresistible. And one entity in particular wants to seduce her in every way possible.
When Charley and Cookie (her best friend/receptionist) have to track down a missing woman, the case is not quite as open and shut as they anticipate. Cookie's friend Mimi disappeared five days earlier. Mimi then sends Cookie a cryptic message telling Cookie to meet her at an nearby coffee shop. The coffee is brewing, but Mimi's still missing. There is, however, a clue Mimi left on the bathroom wall: a woman's name. Mimi's husband explains to them that his wife had been acting strange since she found out an old high school friend had been murdered. The same woman whose name Mimi had scribbled on the bathroom wall.
Meanwhile, Reyes Alexander Farrow (otherwise known as the Son of Satan. Yes. Literally) has left his corporeal body and is haunting Charley. He's left his body because he's being tortured by demons who want to lure Charley closer. But Reyes can't let that happen. Because if the demons get to Charley, they'll have a portal to heaven...well, let's just say it wouldn't be pretty.
Can Charley handle hot nights with Reyes and even hotter days tracking down a missing woman? Can she keep those she loves out of harm's way? And is there enough coffee and chocolate in the world to fuel her as she does?
- from Goodreads
It's been waaaaay too long since I read book one of the Charley Davidson series, Feb 2012 to be more exact, and it's really good to get back into the series.First of all, thank you to Ms. Jones for having a little bit of a prologue in chapter one. Though I am quite proud of myself for recalling some parts of that happened in book one, thank you again for that prologue, it filled in the blanks.
Second grave on the left is funny, extremely amusing, and mysterious as ever. I listened to the audiobook version and the narrator did a fantastic job bringing Charley's personality and voice to life.
There were multiple times in the book when I literally bursted into a pit of laughter and I couldn't stop. And there were multiple times when I shouted into the air, "WHAT? What in the fires of hell is goin on!?". The vague details of who's who, and what's what is a brilliant tactic to get the reader reading further and further into the book, and since there weren't a whole lot of suspense in the book but it was enough to keep me screaming and laughing.
Second grave to the left is simply hilarious, extremely amusing; despite all the serious crime and etc. And let me just say, Charley is just so laid back. I love her! I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next five books of the series!
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