Saturday, November 9, 2013

Blog Bucket List

Bucket lists, goals, dreams, whatever you want to call it, is a list of all the things you hope to do and/or achieve throughout your lifetime. They can be small and simple, and they can be extreme and outrageous! We list it down for the purpose of motivating us into actually going out there and doing every single thing on that list, and it can help us move forward with our career and even our own lives.

A couple of days back, I was searching for random book/fashion/food blog weekly memes and I came across a post called "What's on your Blogger Bucket List" by Jennine Jacob from IFB (Independent Fashion Bloggers). It's a pretty intriguing site, I could just scroll through it for hours upon hours, just reading and learning so many new things about blogging.

Anyways back to the point, I got inspired to write my own Blog Bucket List because we all need to have at least a 5 bullet point bucket list to see how far we can go with our blog. I actually never thought of making a bucket list for my blog, until now xD

Okay here goes, so no judging! I'm new at this.
  1. Become a known blogger in the Kingdom (Kingdom of Bahrain)
  2. Get front row seats at a Fashion Show 
  3. Get invited to go to Fashion Week
  4. Get a request to review a restaurant 
  5. Go to blog related conventions and/or conferences locally & abroad
  6. Make a great friend through blogging
  7. Get 100 followers 
  8. Get featured in a local magazine
  9. Get featured in an international magazine 
  10. Have a successful and fun blogging career and lifestyle
That's it for now!
I'll be adding in a couple of new ones every now and than when ideas come to me.

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