Thursday, November 7, 2013

[Books] 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 2 - Bedtime Reading Ritual

This is the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge that was created by April from Good Books & Good Wine. It is basically posting up random post with questions from the photo down bellow. It's all pretty fun so far, so come and join us!

Here is April's main post! ^.^ and mine ^-^

Day 2: What's your bedtime reading ritual?

I don't really have a bedtime reading ritual. But there were times when I would put on my scented oils, play some jazz instrumental music, turn on the AC, put on my most comfortable clothes, let the room cool up a bit, cuddle up on the corner of my bed, get myself cosy and seated onto a semi-fetus position, put my hair up and start reading. 

In my reading process, I would casually play with my hair and change my position from the head of my bed, sitting down to the foot of my bed on my stomach. 

But these days, I would just simply read for 10 minutes until I get sleepy. It's nothing special. xD

What is your bedtime reading ritual?
Let me know!
If you're joining this challenge, you can post up your links here! DAY 2

Have a great day! 

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